Legal Alert Covid-19: Regulation on occupational safety and health conditions for remote working or teleworking. 

7 July, 2020

July 7, 2020 / By Luis Parada, Juan Pablo Mesías y Alfonso Bustamante On July 3rd, 2020, the Official Gazette published a Regulation that establishes “Specific Conditions on Occupational Safety and Health at Work” (the “Regulation”), applicable to workers who provide their services via “Telework” or “Remote Work” according to the newly incorporated Labor Code provisions. The Regulation establishes a […]

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Legal Alert Covid-19: Law that increases the capital of the Small Business Guarantee Fund (FOGAPE) and temporarily softens its requirements

5 May, 2020

May 5, 2020 / By Mauricio Halpern y Vicente Vergara On April 24, 2020, Law No. 21,229 (the “Law“) was published in the Official Gazette. Its main purpose is to provide an emergency capitalization to the FOGAPE and to temporarily relax the requirements to qualify for financing, until April 30, 2021. The FOGAPE (an acronym for the initials in Spanish, […]

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Legal Alert Covid-19: Obligation to wear masks and their infringement as a source of the crime of harming public health

20 April, 2020

April 20, 2020 / By Ignacio Schwerter On April 17, 2020, Resolution No. 282 of the Ministry of Health was published in the Official Gazette. By means of this resolution, the authority established the mandatory use of masks in different places and under different circumstances: 1. To all people using public or private transportation subject to payment. The same obligation […]

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Permisos sin goce de sueldo y baja de salarios: las medidas en que piensan las empresas para afrontar la crisis (Diario Financiero)

19 March, 2020

Luis Parada in Diario Financiero comments on some of the measures taken by the companies to face the Coronavirus health crisis. Diario Financiero

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Best Lawyers 2020: baja presencia de mujeres marca última entrega de guía legal para Chile (Diario Financiero)

3 December, 2019

Matías Zegers received the Best Lawyers™ 2020 Venture Capital Law “Lawyer of the Year” award in Chile. Diario Financiero

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Waterlogic makes its first direct acquisition in Latin America with Aquafree (Lex Latin)

28 October, 2019

Waterlogic was advised by DLA Piper Chile and and the lawyers who participated in the transaction were: Paulo Larrain, Manola Quiroz, M. del Pilar Paredes, M. Isabel Izquierdo. Lex Latin

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The venture capital team behind the operation in Chile (Diario Financiero)

14 October, 2019

DLA Piper has advised Cornershop partners in their long history of ventures. Diario Financiero

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