• 30 May, 2023

    Legal Alert: Important amendments to the Act on criminal liability of legal entities

    May 30, 2023 | By Mauricio Halpern, Andrea de la Vega, and Cristóbal de la Maza  On May 15, Congress passed a Bill that formalizes economic crimes and environmental offenses and adjusts the penalties applicable. Of particular interest among the laws modified by the Bill is Act 20.393, which establishes the criminal liability of legal entities, and undergoes four major changes: […]

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  • 17 May, 2023

    Legal Alert: Chile’s Bill on personal data protection: what comes ahead?

    May 18, 2023 | By Matías Zegers, Carla Illanes, Juan Cristóbal Ríos, and José Tomás Musalem Last Monday, May 8, the Personal Data Protection Bill (“the Bill”) concluded its discussion in the Chamber of Deputies and was submitted back to the Senate, where it was originally filed. Considering the prompt processing of the Bill over the past few months, it […]

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  • 26 April, 2023

    Legal Alert: Publication of the Act that reduces the workweek to 40 hours

    April 26th, 2023 | By Luis Parada and Iñaki Irisarri On April 26th, 2023, Act No. 21,561 was published in the Official Gazette, which progressively reduces the workweek to 40 hours, among other important changes.   With the publication of the Act, the reduction of the workweek will take place on the following dates: Progressive Reduction of the Workweek Period […]

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  • 24 April, 2023

    Legal Alert: New National Lithium Strategy in Chile

    April, 24 | By Diego Peña and Camila Fajardo    Even though there are only two companies extracting lithium in only one out of the almost 60 existing salt flats in the country, Chile is the world’s second-largest lithium producer after Australia. As Chile holds approximately 42% of the global proven reserves of this metal, knowing the actual Chilean Government’s strategy […]

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  • 13 April, 2023

    Legal Alert: Project that reduces the working week to 40 hours in Chile

    April 13, 2023 | By Luis Parada and Iñaki Irisarri   On April 11, 2023, the Chilean Congress approved the bill which reduces the working week to 40 hours, among other changes that affect the working hours in Chile.   The promulgation of the bill by the President of the Republic and its publication in the Official Gazette is still pending. […]

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  • 10 April, 2023

    Legal Alert: New Environmental Assessment Criteria: Integrated Description of Green Hydrogen Projects

    April 12, 2023 | By Diego Peña, Camila Fajardo, Pablo González, and Trinidad Zegers  On March 29, 2023, the Environmental Assessment Service (“SEA“) published the technical document on Green Hydrogen called “Evaluation criteria in the SEIA: Integrated description of projects for the generation of Green Hydrogen in the SEIA” (“Green Hydrogen Criteria“), which unifies the technical requirements and the criteria […]

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  • 24 March, 2023

    Legal Alert: FNE launches new market study: Hospitality Market and impact on digital platforms

    March 24, 2023 | By Sofía O’Ryan and Trinidad Puga The National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (“FNE” in Spanish) launched on March 22 the market study, focused on the hospitality market (the “Study“), which will especially evaluate the impact of the entry of digital platforms for advertising and booking intermediation. The study will be conducted in the three market segments: advertising, […]

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  • 23 March, 2023

    Legal Alert: Special permission for parents of minors with autism spectrum disorder

    March 23, 2023 | By Luis Parada and Iñaki Irisarri On March 10, Act No. 21,545 was published in the Official Gazette for the promotion of inclusion, comprehensive care, and protection of the rights of people with autism spectrum disorder in the social, health, and education fields. This Act establishes a new right for parents or legal guardians of minors diagnosed with autism […]

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  • 21 March, 2023

    Legal Alert: Legal Recognition of Telemedicine in Chile

    March 21, 2023 | By Marco Salgado, Sofía O’Ryan, and Juan Cristóbal Ríos On March 17, 2023, Act No. 21,541 came into force, which amends the current regulations in order to authorize health care providers to provide medical care through telemedicine. Specifically, the main modifications are in relation to Act No. 20,584, which regulates the rights and duties of patients […]

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  • 28 November, 2022

    Legal Alert: Temporary suspension of instruction on rural land subdivisions

    29th November, 2022 |  Bernardita Doren y María José Morales. Last July, in order to preserve rural land for agricultural purposes and to avoid the effects of real estate development outside of territorial planning, the Minister of Agriculture, the Undersecretary of Agriculture and the National Director of the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG), instructed the Regional Directorates of SAG through […]

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  • 21 November, 2022

    Legal Alert: Electric Energy Storage and Electromobility Law

    21st November, 2022 |  Diego Peña, Roberta Andreani y Camila Fajardo. Today came into force Law No. 21.505, which promotes electric energy storage and electromobility (the “Law”). Its purpose is to encourage the participation of renewable energies in the Chilean energy matrix through the promotion of storage technologies; to enable the efficient connection of renewable generation-consumption systems to the electricity […]

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  • 25 July, 2022

    Legal Alert: Subdivision of Rustic Land: Instructions for its suspension or rejection

    July 25, 2022 | Authors: Bernardita Doren and María José Morales In order to preserve rural land for agricultural purposes and to avoid the effects of real state development outside territorial planning, the Minister of Agriculture, the Undersecretary of Agriculture and the National Director of the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG, by its initials in Spanish) instructed the regional directorates […]

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