Three law firms in the acquisition of BredenMaster lines in Chile.

20 March, 2000

Lexlatin article on the advice of BAZ|DLA Piper to Elaboradora de Alimentos Frutale Limitada, subsidiary company of Grupo Castaño, in the acquisition of certain BredenMaster’s business lines. Complete Article

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“For the first time, power generator companies apply to be declared as companies with no right to strike.”

20 March, 2000

Article from “Diario Financiero” Newspaper, where partner Luis Parada warns about the possible effects of declaring power generator companies as companies with no right to strike. Complete Article

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Salary demands would continue to be decisive in the negotiations under the new law.

20 March, 2000

Article of the Financial Journal, where partner Luis Parada comments on the salary demands in the framework of the labor reform. Complete Article

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BAZ | DLA Piper obtains favorable judgement for Uber before Supreme Court.

20 March, 2000

The Chilean Supreme Court confirmed a ruling from the Court of Appeals of Iquique in favor of Uber Chile SpA, regarding a recurso de protección – special constitutional action – filed by the so-called Gremio de Taxistas de Iquique – Iquique’s Taxi Drivers Union. The purpose of the constitutional action was to freeze Uber App’s operation in the city of Iquique. The appeal had already […]

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Return of Mauricio Halpern to BAZ |DLA Piper.

20 March, 2000

Various media reports the return of Mauricio Halpern to BAZ|DLA Piper as a counsel of the corporate area. Lexlatin ArticleLexlatin QuestionnaireEl Mercurio Legal ArticleLatin Lawyer ArticleEl Mercurio Article

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The Legal 500 Latin America 2017 – Chile

20 March, 2000

On September 6, “The Legal 500” published its Latin-American ranking, corresponding to 2017, where in Chile it highlights BAZ|DLA Piper in six practice areas and eight lawyers from our firm in different areas. This result confirms the good performance of BAZ|DLA Piper in general, and in particular the growth it has had in practically all its practice areas, which in […]

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“The first months of labor reform debut with the reduction of strikes.”

20 March, 2000

Article from “Diario Financiero” Newspaper, where partner Luis Parada comments about the the reduction of strikes after the labor reform.

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Chilean-Korean Chamber of Commerce: BAZ|DLA Piper held a workshop on Labor Reform.

20 March, 2000

On October 20th, partner Luis Parada and associate Cristián Vásquez held a thematic workshop for members of the Chilean-Korean Chamber of Commerce about the Labor Reform. Complete Article

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BAZ|DLA Piper helps Uber quash constitutional appeal by ex-contractor

20 March, 2000

Article of Latin Lawyer. BAZ/DLA Piper has helped Uber throw out a constitutional appeal by a former contractor after the company ended its relationship with him for allegedly spreading false information. The Santiago Court of Appeals rejected ex-Uber chauffeur Luis Spiess González’s recurso de protección, concluding that the case was a contractual matter between two private parties. It added that the […]

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Bloomberg BNA – “Copper Workers Strike May Presage More Litigious Labor Relations.”

20 March, 2000

Article form Bloomber BNA, where partner Luis Parada is consulted about Minera Escondida copper workers strike. Complete Article

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