Legal Alert: new crimes that can be charged to legal persons
By Mauricio Halpern and María Jesús Caballero Law 20.393, which establishes the Criminal Liability of Legal Persons, contemplates a list of crimes for which this entities may be criminally liable. The list was extended at the beginning of this year by means of Law 21.412, which adds the crimes of the arms control law, and with the approval of the […]
Read moreLegal Alert: bill amending Law 18,101 on urban property leases
April 08, 2022 / By Bernardita Doren and Teresita María González On April 06, 2022, the Chamber of Deputies sent to the President of the Republic the text approved by the National Congress of Chile of the bill, known as “Devuélveme mi casa” (give me back my house), which amends Law 18,101 that establishes Special Rules on […]
Read moreLegal Alert: Law No. 21,431: Services of digital platform employees
March 15, 2022 / By Luis Parada and Iñaki Irisarri. On March 11, 2022, Law No. 21,431 was published in the Official Gazette (“Diario Oficial”) amending the Labor Code to regulate the services of digital platform employees, hereinafter the “Law”. Some relevant aspects of the Law are the following: Applies to those companies that manage services through applications, such as […]
Read moreLegal Alert: New real estate co-ownership law
March 7, 2022 / By Mauricio Halpern, Bernardita Doren and Martín Valenzuela On January 26, 2022, the Senate sent to the President of the Republic, the text already approved by the National Congress of the bill on the New Real Estate Co-ownership Law (Bulletin No. 11,540-14), hereinafter referred to as the “Bill”. The following is a summary of some of […]
Read moreLaw that regulates single-use plastics
February 13, 2022 / By Diego Peña, Felipe Massardo and Camila Fajardo On February 13, 2022, the first stage of Law No. 21,368 of 2021 (hereinafter, the “Law“), which regulates the delivery of single-use plastics and plastic bottles (see here, version in Spanish only) entered into force. The purpose of the Law is to protect the environment and reduce waste […]
Read moreAlerta Legal: FNE lanza estudio de mercado para analizar la evolución competitiva del mercado fúnebre
23 de diciembre, 2021 / Por Felipe Bahamondez y Sofía O´Ryan La Fiscalía Nacional Económica (“FNE”) anunció el día de ayer un estudio para evaluar las condiciones de competencia del mercado fúnebre en Chile, abarcando dos principales segmentos del mercado: el de servicios funerarios (funerarias) y el de sepultura o cremación (cementerios). La FNE ha fundado la procedencia del estudio […]
Read moreLegal Alert: Bill to Promote Energy Storage in Chile
December 15, 2021 / By Felipe Bahamondez, Diego Peña and Roberta Andreani In the context of the transformation of the energy matrix and the promotion of the rational and efficient use of energy resources, the Government recently submitted to Congress a bill on the promotion of energy storage. The purpose of the bill are (1) to encourage the participation of […]
Read moreAlert: National development plan to produce green hydrogen in State-owned lands
November 29, 2021 / By Felipe Bahamondez, Diego Peña and María Jesús Caballero. On November 23rd, 2021, the National Development Plan to Produce Green Hydrogen (“H2V”) on State-owned lands was approved (the “Plan”) through the exempt Resolution N° 998 of the Ministry of National Assets. The purpose of the Plan aims to impulse the use of H2V technology in an […]
Read moreLegal Alert: E-Commerce Regulation
September 24, 2021 / By Matías Zegers, Jorge Timmermann, Paulina Farías y José Tomás Musalem. On 23 September 2021, the Electronic Commerce Regulation (the “Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette. The purpose of the Regulation is to strengthen the transparency and quality of the information provided to Consumers on Electronic Commerce Platforms regarding the characteristics, essential features, price of […]
Read moreChile: New rules for the Merger Control Procedure of the Ministry of Economy enter into force on November 2
06 September, 2021 / By Felipe Bahamondez, Sofía O´Ryan and Macarena Alliende With the aim of updating and strengthening the merger control regime, the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (“FNE”) today published the new rules for the merger control procedure of the Ministry of Economy, approved by Supreme Decree No. 41 of May 7, 2021 (“New Regulation”), which enter into force […]
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