Lawyers urge industry to prepare for Chile's first chemical reporting deadline next year

Chemical Watch, August 22nd, 2023 

Por: Diego Peña and Felipe Massardo

Lawyers are urging manufacturers and importers to prepare for notification deadlines as Chile’s Ministry of Environment (MMA) is set to begin compiling a national inventory of chemicals from August next year.

 Supreme Decree 57/2019, finalised in February 2021, established a national chemicals framework for the country(see box) and implemented the seventh edition of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for classification and labelling of chemicals, which has its own set of implementation deadlines.

 “Companies must prepare their environmental and compliance teams to establish “reliable and systematised databases containing accurate information” on the manufacture and import of substances within scope of the decree.” pointed out Diego Peña.

 “Substances not included in the resolutions will be considered new, meaning that manufacturers will have to notify the government before import, manufacture, or placing on the market.”

We invite you to read the full opinion column